Information presented on this page is for the page author's use only. Use of this information by anyone other than the author is offered as guidelines and non-professional advice only. No liability is assumed by the author or this web site. Regardless of information presented here, the captain is solely responsible for the safety of craft and crew.
The Florida Keys are included in Monroe County. The Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary and associated restricted areas are administered by NOAA.
The ICW route is along the Florida Bay side, and the Hawk Channel route is on the Atlantic Ocean side. Either the ICW or Hawk Channel may be taken for the Upper and Middle Keys, but the Hawk Channel route must be taken for the Lower Keys due to depth limitations. A 192 mile reef (3rd largest system in the world) lies only four to six miles offshore.
Winter nautical visitors (November through May) will discover that the weather follows a pattern of 5 to 7 days of high winds / rough ocean (and bay side) conditions, followed by 1 to 3 days of calm conditions. The Florida Keys offers limited all around protection zones, except for Marathon's Boot Key Harbor, marinas on the Hawk Channel side and the ICW side, Barns Sound & Blackwater Sound (upper Keys / Key Largo), and Big Pine Key. It is possible to frequently move your anchorage and achieve wind/wave protection in areas such as Long Key, Marathon, Bahia Honda, where you can easily cross between the ICW and Hawk Channel sides.
West wind adds water depth to the bay side of the Keys. Slack tide is between the tidal extremes (high/low). Ebb/Flood is just before/after the tidal extremes (high/low). Ebb is north to south in the bay side of the Keys.
The Florida Keys has a very complex system of marine sanctuary zones and terminology, including SPAs, ERs, EMAs, Special-use Areas, WMA, ... In general, within these zones, no discharge of anything except engine cooling water and exhaust is permitted, no anchoring (except use of established mooring ball), and no fishing. The best way to determine where these areas are is the use of this Map of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Marine Zones. Additional restrictions / allowed activities are listed below by marine sanctuary zone:
Sanctuary Preservation Areas (SPAs) limits are marked with buoys and typically have mooring balls for visiting boaters. Diving and snorkeling are permitted within these zones. Bait fishing is allowed by Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary permit.
Two Ecological Reserves (ERs) exist, the Western Sambo Ecological Reserve and the Tortugas Ecological Reserve. No diving, snorkeling, anchoring. Vessels may only enter if they remain in continuous transit with fishing gear stowed.
Existing Management Areas (EMAs) are areas within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. In the Key Largo and Looe Key Existing Management Areas: all spearfishing prohibited, but trap or hand capture of spiny lobster is permitted. | In the Great White Heron and Key West National Wildlife Refuge Management Areas: vessel speed and transient is restricted as indicated by buoy.
Special-Use Areas restrict entry or any activity without a Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Permit.
Wildlife Management Area
Rickenbacker Marina 305-361-1900 has fuel, water, pump out.
Harbor in Bill Baggs State Park (at 1095 Stiltville Chn S inlet). Full protection. Depth of 8 ft reported. Day tie up to seawall for $8/day. Overnight anchoring (only) allowed for $20/nite. Pumpout sometimes works. The park has good walking trails and a beach on the Atlantic side.
The Stiltville Chn crossover has the best depth for crossing between the ICW and the Hawk Channel. Alternatively, the Cape FL channel takes you more directly to No Name Hbr. Waypoing 'Key Biscayne Bight anc' nearby is another good anchorage.
4.5 MLLW possible using B423 track 'Anglefish crossover FL Keys Upper'. | Card Sound on the Gulf side has full protection. | The closest services is 6.7 nm SW at Gilberts Resort Marina 305-393-6159 has deep water access, fuel, water, but NO pump.
Largo Sound can be accessed via the Hawk Channel during high tide (4.5 ft MLL). Florida Board of Parks on the south side of the sound has moorings. The channel is well marked, but has very sharp turns and unforgiving coral bottom. WARNING: The Spirit of Pennekamp (65 ft catamaran) departs several times per day and consumes the channel width.
Snorkeling destinations on Hawk Channel side that can be accessed from the ICW via Snake Cr crossover: Carysfort Reef; Dry Rocks (Christ of the Deep statue); Molasses Reef (32 moorings); Pickles Reef (5 moorings); Davis Reef; Hens and Chickens; Cheeca Rocks; Alligator Reef. Elbow Reef (wreck: City of Washington) | Moorings available at most locations (otherwise anchor in sand if area is not SPA).
Kings Kamp RV Park & Marina Mile Marker 103.5, Bayside, 103620 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037 P 305 451 0010 On land @ 25.140125,-80.403376 RV park with 55 sites ($85/nite) | ~ mooring field @ N25.14170 W80.40551 Mooring Rate: Nov to April $400/mo + 7.5% tax (longer stays possibly less). Mooring includes (dinghy) access to transient dock and parking for one vehicle. Coin operated Washer/Dryer Available on premises and full bathroom facilities. 32.5 nm from mooring to ocean side of Channel Five crossover. | Right next to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.
Blackwater Sound on the Gulf side offers full protection (you will need to move N or S for the best protection). | Gilberts Resort Marina 305-393-6159 has deep water access, fuel, water, but NO pump. | Also nearby right on ICW is Portunes Marina 305-393-5593 BUT CALL TO CHECK DEPTH AND SERVICES.
One of few anchorages on the Hawk Channel route. Land dinghy at dock near dive flag at Mandalay Restaurant. WARNING: The tidal flats around Rodriguez Key and Dove Key is a WMA no motor zone.
Wreck: The Brentwood sunk in 1942 when it collided with another ship. She lies between French Reef and Dixie Shoals on the bottom of a low profile reef and sand, in depths ranging from 25 to 45 feet.
Snorkeling on the Hawk Channel side: North North Dry Rocks Grecian Rocks Molasses Reef (most heavily visited reef in the Upper Keys - perhaps the world - for diving.) French Reef
Pilot House Marina & Restaurant 305-747-4359 nearby to N has tricky 4.5 MLL channel. Diesel and transient slips available.
Pt Lowe anchorage is on Hawk Channel side, west of Tavernier Key. Exposed to NE to E winds and swells. WARNING: The tidal flats around Tavernier Key, the SE side of Plantation Key, and the Dove Key are a WMA no motor zone. These two Hawk Channel side anchorages are exposed to NE,E,SE. | They provide close access to the following snorkeling locations: Pickles Reef Molasses Reef Reef French Reef Wreck The Brentwood sunk in 1942 lies in depths ranging from 25 to 45 feet. |
Snorkeling on the Hawk Channel side (Snake Cr followed by Channel Five are the closest crossovers): Conch Reef Pickles Reef
Blue Waters Marina on Hawk Channel side offers transient dockage for $2.00/ft (verify), pumpout, but no fuel. 305-853-5604 The 4.3 MLW approach must be done at high tide. Bob423 tracks provide safe route.
Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina (and 5.3 nm further NE Mangrove Marina) on the Gulf side has fuel, water, pump out, but must enter at high tide. | Hammer Pt S anchorage nearby exposed to N. Hammer Pt N anchorage nearby exposed to NW & N.
Take ICW to Gulf side, anchor, then use dink to take depth readings & develop track. (Must pass through the R90 to R78A ICW shoal at high tide to get from Marathon to Snake Cr) Snake Cr provides great access to snorkeling & fishing locations. The area offers Cotton Key & Cowpens anchorages, water/pumpout/fuel at Plantation Yacht Harbor marina, and access to Islamorada land activities.
Diesel & pumpout available from Gulf side at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina 305-852-2381 5 ft MLL (we did it in 2017) No transient slips. | Diesel and dockage $3.50/ft available from Hawk Channel side at IslaMarina 305-664-3636 5 ft MLL channel depth (Snake Cr, to right just after bridge going S to N).
Snorkeling on the Hawk Channel side: Hen & Chickens Reef (1.8 nm) | Davis Reef (4.2 nm) | Conch Reef (6.7 nm) | Pickles Reef (9.5 nm) North North Dry Rocks Grecian Rocks Molasses Reef (most heavily visited reef in the Upper Keys - perhaps the world - for diving.) French Reef
MetroBus #301 from Marathon to Islamorada.
Islamorada anchorage accessible from the Hawk Channel via the nearby Snake Cr crossover (Channel Five crossover is 10 nm to SW). Anchor at NE anchorage (my waypoint), avoid the SW area for depth and comfort reasons. Dock dink at Bass Pro. Land dink at mangroves left of public boat ramp west of Lorelei's to go shopping, or at a restuarant to eat out. | From ICW/Gulf side to the N, fuel and pumpout is available 8.7 nm NE at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina. ph 305-852-2381 8 am to 6pm Monday thru Sunday
Cotton Key anchorage accessible from the Hawk Channel via the Snake Cr crossover.
From ICW/Gulf side to the N, fuel and pumpout is available at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina. N 24° 57.925' / W 080° 34.100' ph 305-852-2381 Monitors VHF Ch 16, working ch 10. 8 am to 6pm Monday thru Sunday
Snorkeling on the Hawk Channel side: Alligator Reef Hen & Chickens Reef Davis Reef | San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve State Park. Features a submerged shipwreck that sank in 1733. The underwater site has been enhanced with seven replica cannons, an anchor, and an information plaque. Mile Marker 78.5
Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park. 305-664-2540 Island located on ICW side. Five overnight moorings NW of Lignumvitae Key reported Feb 2021. Free for up to 1 week. | Anchorage NNW of Lignumvitae Key. | Crossover possible at Indian Key Channel STM 1165 (verify depth with local knowledge. Shallow area seems to be at bridge). | Alternative ICW approach is from Channel Five crossover. | The park dock is on the east side of the island with room for multiple dinghies. Just south of the dock is a small cut in the mangroves where the park rangers dock their boats. | Grounds open 8 am to 5 pm Thursday through Monday. $2.50/pp visitor fee. $2/pp tour fee. |
Several anchoreages in Lignumvitae Basin on ICW / Gulf side
Wreck: The San Pedro, a member of the 1733 Spanish treasure fleet caught by a hurricane in the Straits of Florida, sank in 18 feet of water one mile south of Indian Key.
Alligator Reef nearby in Hawk Channel. 4 mooring balls reported 9 Nov 2017
NE end is Channel Five crossover. | Anchorages on Hawk Channel side near the Channel Five crossover are at waypoints Long Key (exposed NE,E,SE). Anchorages on ICW side near the Channel Five crossover are at waypoints Jewfish Hole (exposed SW,W,NW,N) and Matecumbe Bight (exposed W,NW,N). | Very limited nearby services.
ICW or Hawk Channel route okay
ICW route Conch Key (STM 1177.8) to Little Duck Key (1200.8)
Boot Key Harbor is dominated by the City Marina mooring field ($300+/month). The mooring field is typically full by Thanksgiving Day (although it was not in 2017/2018 after Irma). Moorings are allocated on a first come - first serve basis. City Marina dinghy dockage is $225/mo (limited since Irma). Lots of good reasturants within walking and bicycle distance. Boot Key Harbor Cruisers Net at 9 am on VHF 68.
WARNING - Older NOAA charts for the Boot Key Harbor shows incorrect depths throughout the area. Follow the channel markers and ignore the channels indicated by depth on your chartplotter.
Wind | 35 ft / 11 m LOA | 45 ft / 14 m LOA | 60 ft / 18 m LOA |
Typical (winter) 20 kts sustained, 30 kt gusts |
1/2" | 1/2" | 1/2"" |
Tropical Depression <= 33 knots (38 mph) sustained |
1/2" | 1/2" | 5/8" |
Tropical Storm (Cyclone) <= 63 knots (73 mph) sustained |
7/8" | 1" | 1-3/8" (*) |
Hurricane Cat 1 >= 82 knots (95 mph) sustained |
1" | 1-3/8" (*) | 2" (*) |
Hurricane Cat 2 >= 95 knots (110 mph) sustained |
1-1/4" (*) | 1-3/4" (*) | 2" (*) |
Hurricane Cat 3 >= 112 knots (129 mph) sustained |
- (*) | - (*) | - (*) |
Hurricane Cat 4 >= 136 knots (156 mph) sustained |
- (*) | - (*) | - (*) |
(*) The required line size is larger than the mooring pennant of 1".
Note that the load on the (anchor) increases as the square of the wind velocity (it is NOT linear). If the wind speed doubles from 30 to 60 knots, the load is four times greater! A 6 knot current against a 33 ft WLL sailboat applies nearly the same load on the anchor tackle as a 20 knot wind. The above table was derived from two sources: 1) 2) that agree with each other strongly on the anchor / mooring pennant forces from wind on a boat. The data also agrees roughly with recommendations from Nigel Calder. | Line (rope) sizes are also based on Nigel Calder's recommendations and based on dividing the rope tensile strength by a safety factor of 3.3. The rope must be NEW stranded or braided (testing by Practical Sailor demonstrated 50% reduction in strength for aged ropes).
Each mooring has a 8 ft pennant with 1 inch diameter line. The connection between the ball and the helical rock anchor is a shock absorbing down-line with a rated tensile strength of 18,000 lbs (18 kips is roughly the load from sustained winds of 112 knots or hurricane Cat 3 and a 45 ft LOA. The maximum boat length allowed on most moorings is 45 ft LOA. A few moorings allow boats up to a length of 60 ft LOA.
Anchorages exist west and north of Marathon. West side holding good and has good access to several dingly dock locations. Rachel Bank on the north size offers good holding in a quiet location. Limited dinghy access from north side of Marathon, but it may be possible to use a public boat ramp or docks at a restaurant.
Carefully plan to be in the water during slack tidal current, and with the sun directly overhead. The water clarity and fishing is best when the Gulf Stream location is close to the offshore reef. You must post a diver down / Alpha flag when snorkeling or diving.
Sombrero Reef (snorkeling). Marked by a 140-foot lighted tower. We counted 17 moorings March 2018. Approach carefully from south/west/east (do not attempt to cross the reef with boat). Only shallow draft boats should pickup the mooring balls closest to the reef/tower, all other boats should pickup the outer mooring balls. The moorings are generally set above a coral head, so no need to swim far.
Delta Shoals (snorkeling & fishing).
Coffin's Patch (snorkeling). Six distinct patch reefs in 20 ft of water. Approach from the south to pickup one of 7 moorings (do not cross the reef from the north). This is a SPA, so no anchoring or fishing, and idle speed within the area.
Wreck: The Adelaide Baker lies in 20 feet of water, four miles south-southeast of Duck Key.
KCB Clinic (Baptist Health) ; 5701 Overseas Hwy; 305-735-4107
Community Health Inc; 2855 Overseas Hwy; 305-743-4000
Scrub Hub Diving Services LLC Rebekah 515-326-5397
OCD Sherlock; (314) 550-6669 | Derick
OCD Chris; 207 289-5057
OCD Derrick 314-550-6669
Jack 267-432-0406
Dependable Divers (305) 900-8805 Tom Crank;
Dependable Dive Service Tom & Erin 305-900-8880 (SMS or voice mail your request).
Bottom Beauty; text or phone 754-779-4871; Rachel Kane
Bottoms & Props 305-240-0304 Boat must be at dock, won't do mooring.
Bottom Time 305-587-7465 Retired 2020
Island Taxi 305-731-9022 24/7
Native Taxi (305) 304-9932
Catch dolphin fish and mahi mahi on ballyhoo lures. The best fishing is when the Gulf Stream location is close to the reef off of Marathon, and during a maximum tidal ebb.
Tidal current, tide (height) and sea temperature for Marathon FL
Marathon Wild Bird Center admission appears to be free.
Marathon Community Park has facilties to support basketball, tennis, soccer, shuffelboard, and skateboard.
Crane Point Hammock is a natural history museum, marine touch tanks, and a bird rescue center & nature trails. Admission is $15 per person.
Old Seven-Mile Bridge The Seven-Mile Bridge on the west end of Marathon FL was opened in February 2022. A parking lot exists right were the bridge start. You can walk or ride a bike on the 2.2 mile section bridge to Pigeon Key, enjoying great views of the water.
Pigeon Key Located south/west of Marathon approximately half way along the Seven-Mile Bridge. Admission costs $15 per person. The primary method to visit is via a ferry. You may visit by boat and dock at their dock, but you must still pay the admission fees. The Old Seven Mile bridge opened February 2022 and permits walk/bike traffic to Pigeon Key (you must still pay admission fee to visit museums in Pigeon Key).
Dolphin Research Center minimum cost is $28 per person.
Turtle Hospital admission is $27 per person
The Key Transit Bus route 'Lower Keys Shuttle' operates between Marathon and Key West. As of 2021, cost is $4.00/ride for under age 60, $1.00/ride for age 60+.
Hawk Channel route only
Hawk Channel route from Little Duck Key (STM 1200.8) to Key West (STM 1241.7)
Bridge clearance 20 ft. | Anchor NW of Bahia Honda Key (exposed W,N,NE), or S of Little Pine Key (exposed NW,W,S,SE). Dinghy to state park beach in the protected basin is NOT permitted.
Best protected anchorage between Marathon and Key West. Access from Hawk Channel. Download route file (.gpx)
Up channel under bridge on west side (by dink) is Kiki's Sandbar Bar & Grill (24.669219, -81.386577).
Snorkeling at Newfound Harbor (STM 1214.4 HC)
Snorkeling at Looe Key Reef
Big Pine Key FL Buoy (42078) incl wave data
Key West Bight City Marina $3.75/ft per bob423 2022.
The Key West City Marina provides moorings at the Garrison bight Mooring Field (between Fleming Key and Sigsbee Park) Mooring cost for $19/day or $336/month ph 305-809-3981 The mooring field is exposed to the north. Dockage (for 42 ft LOA) is $92.40/day, $578/week, $1176/mo.
The easiest way to get fuel, water, etc. by boat is to visit Stock Island Marina Good depth to 8 ft reported. Easy docking. Approach is from the south / ocean side. WARNING: Two places in the area with name "Stock Island Marina".
Key West Cruisers Net - VHF schedule undetermined.
See Jim & Deb Faughn's website for a possible anchorage location at Wisteria Isl SE (N24 33.938 W81 48.602). The only dinghy dock is near Dante's and access costs $80/month (pay the City Dock).
Tour Ernest Hemingway’s house
Visit Mallory Square an hour before sunset and watch street entertainers.
Key West Pub Crawl. Tues, Fri, Sunday; 8pm; 2.5 hrs; $65/2 people; or haunted pub crawl Wed, Fri, Sun at 8:30 pm.
Anchor east of Stock Island near marker G5B (but watch depth!). Possible to dock dingly at Maxwell Marine beyond ramp (lock dinghy). Across road is bus to Key West.
Garrison Bight Mooring Field.   Anchorage holding is questionable. Paid dinghy dockage.
Key West FL NOAA weather forecast
Anchorage accessible from Hawk Channel between Key West and Dry Tortugas.
These trips are organized based on access to crossovers between the Atlantic ocean (Hawk Channel) and the bay (ICW side), beginning with destinations E from Marathon, and then W from Marathon.
23 nm from Marathon to Channel Five crossover The only diesel nearby is at Caloosa Cove Resort & Marina with 4 ft approach depth from the Channel Two bridge (ph 305-664-4455 opt 2). | WARNING: shoal to 4.5 ft on ICW from R80 @ Steamboat Chn to R78A (E of Lignumvitae Key, on approach to Islamorada). NOAA Current Predictions @ Channel Five Bridge
Anchorages on Hawk Channel side near the Channel Five crossover are at waypoints Long Key (exposed NE,E,SE). Anchorages on ICW side near the Channel Five crossover are at waypoints Jewfish Hole (exposed SW,W,NW,N) and Matecumbe Bight (exposed W,NW,N). | Very limited nearby services.
Snorkeling: Tennessee Reef Reef (2 nm) | San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve State Park. Features a submerged shipwreck that sank in 1733. The underwater site has been enhanced with seven replica cannons, an anchor, and an information plaque. The San Pedro was a member of the 1733 Spanish treasure fleet and was sank in 18 ft of water by a hurricane. (6.4 nm) | Alligator Reef (9 nm) | Plan to snorkel during slack tide and if possible with sun directly overhead. NOAA Current Predictions @ Channel Five Bridge |
Fishing Hawk Channel: Angustias (4.8 nm) El Sueco de Arizon (6.4 nm)
Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park. 305-664-2540 Island located on ICW side, 8.9 nm from Channel Five crossover. Five overnight moorings NW of Lignumvitae Key reported Feb 2021. Free for up to 1 week. | Anchorage NNW of Lignumvitae Key. | Crossover possible at Indian Key Channel STM 1165 (verify depth with local knowledge. Shallow area seems to be at bridge). | Alternative ICW approach is from Channel Five crossover. | The park dock is on the east side of the island with room for multiple dinghies. Just south of the dock is a small cut in the mangroves where the park rangers dock their boats. | Grounds open 8 am to 5 pm Thursday through Monday. $2.50/pp visitor fee. $2/pp tour fee. |
Islamorada 14 nm from Channel Five crossover. | WARNING: shoaling to 4.5 ft on ICW from steamboat channel R90 to R78A. | Anchor at NE anchorage (my waypoint), avoid the SE area for depth and comfort reasons. Dock dink at Bass Pro. Land dink at mangroves left of public boat ramp west of Lorelei's to go shopping, or at a restuarant to eat out. | From ICW/Gulf side to the N, fuel and pumpout is available 8.7 nm NE at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina. ph 305-852-2381 8 am to 6pm Monday thru Sunday
37 nm from Marathon FL. | Must transient during high tide due to 5 ft at markers G1 and R2 at entrance to the channel from the Hawk Channel. Favor the red side. Snake Cr Tide Station Bridge vertical clearance is 27 ft. Diesel and dockage $3.50/ft available from Hawk Channel side at IslaMarina 305-664-3636 5 ft MLL channel depth (Snake Cr, to right just after bridge going S to N). | WARNING: shoal to 4.5 ft on ICW from R80 (STM 1158) to R78A W of Snake Cr.
Anchorages on ICW side at: Cowpens (light exposure NW,N), and Cotton Key Diesel & pumpout available from Gulf side at Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina 305-852-2381 5 ft MLL (we did it in 2017) No transient slips. | 'MM88 Tiki Bar' on ICW side.
Snorkeling on the Hawk Channel side: Hen & Chickens Reef (1.8 nm) | Davis Reef (4.2 nm) | Conch Reef (6.7 nm) | Pickles Reef (9.5 nm) Molasses Reef (12.2 nm) (12.4 nm, most heavily visited reef in the Upper Keys - perhaps the world - for diving.) French Reef (14.3 nm) North North Dry Rocks (20.5 nm) Grecian Rocks (18.5 nm)
45 nm from Marathon FL. | These two Hawk Channel side anchorages are exposed to NE,E,SE. They provide close access to the following snorkeling locations: Pickles Reef (5.2 nm) Molasses Reef Reef (7.2 nm) French Reef (9.4 nm) Wreck The Brentwood sunk in 1942 lies in depths ranging from 25 to 45 feet. (10.6 nm) ALL DISTANCES FROM PT LOWE.
12 nm from Marathon (troll fishing line over Bahia Honda Reef #1 along way). | Bridge clearance 20 ft. | Anchor NW of Bahia Honda Key (exposed W,N,NE), or S of Little Pine Key (exposed NW,W,S,SE). Dinghy to state park beach in the protected basin is NOT permitted.
18 nm from Marathon. Anchor at 'Newfound Hbr Chn anc' (exposed SW,S,SE).
Snorkeling: Newfound Harbor Key (shallow @ moorings) | Looe Key Reef
The regular lobster season is always August 6 through March 31. Depending on where you hunt/collect, there are different bag limits, but the maximum is typically 6 per day. A valid Saltwater fishing license and (lobster) crawfish permit is always required when you go lobstering. Lobsters must be measured immediately after being caught and before taking them out of the water. Using a 'Tickle stick' + net (only). Never grab/hold a lobster by the tail.
Florida state regulated waters for most species are from shore to 3 nautical miles on the Atlantic. The following three species have specific limits by zone:
Tackle for fishing varies by the type of fishing, and the target species. The most common scenarios are:
Target Fish: Mahi Mahi (also called dolphin / dorao), Wahoo, Mackerel, Cobia, and Tuna.
Target Fish: Yellowtail, Porgie, Sheepshead.
It has been written that the Florida Keys are littered with boats on the bottom in shallow water, creating great fishing opportunities. You can also fish for grooper along the edge of the mangroves. Try first catching small baits such as pinfish. If it is a wreck, or mangrove, the technique is the same, you need to lure the fish away from the protection of the wreck / mangrove in order to land it. Use fluorocarbon leader rather than monofilament to catch even the most picky/shy fish.
A falling barometer prior to the arrival of a cold front or storm triggers feeding, but it will end for hours to days once the front arrives and the barometric pressure increases.
Speckled or spotted sea trout can be caught with live shrimp or with an imitation D.O.A. shrimp with a popping cork followed by the shrimp. Watch for 'muds', caused by fish stirring up the bottom to dislodge food.
Fish during an ebb tidal current (when the tide is outgoing from Florida Bay to the Atlantic Ocean, bait will flow out of the Bay and fish come in from the ocean to feed.).
Mahi Mahi / Dolphin / Dorado and Wahoo are typically found in the Gulf Stream. Wahoo should be trolled at a distance of 50 to 100 feet behind the boat, at a lure depth of 5 to 15 feet, and at a boat speed of around 10 knots speed prior to sunrise, or early post-dawn. Wahoo are structure-oriented fish that favor aggressive bottom formations in 90 to 350 feet of water. Mahi Mahi / Dolphin / Durado and other fish can also be found trolling at 7 to 8 knots in water depths of 200 ft (out past the reef), with smaller lures.
N 25.528 W 80-45.328Yellowtail group (school) together in size (if you are catching small Yellowtail, move your location). Must have strong current and use chum. They are a structure oriented fish that are found at reefs and wrecks. Best depth is 60 to 70 feet, sometimes 90 ft for larger Yellowtail. They feed up in the water column (not the bottom) anytime of the day the tidal current is running. Free line the live bait in lots of chum, or use a sinker and let the bait rise/swim up from the bottom. Sometimes a flashy gold or yellow artificial lure thrown into a chum slick and retrieved quickly will catch a Yellowtail. Live bait such as shrimp, squid, sardines, mackerel, ballyhoo (but NOT pinfish) on a 3/0 to 5/0 circle hook. It takes at least 15 minutes and up to an hour of chumming to get a school into a feeding mood. Use 12 to 15 lb fluorocarbon leader (not monofilament). Must be 12 inches or longer and max bag limit is 10. Other snapper good for eating is Schoolmaster, Silk.
Minimum size is 11 inches and bag limit is 6 per person.
Snapper: Yellowtail, Schoolmaster, Silk. Tripletail. Atlantic Bonito.
In the fall and winter, as waters cool, Florida Spiny Lobsters go to deeper waters. The best lobster spots are located on the Gulf (Bay) side, just north of Marathon. Look for rocky botttom, in 5 to 15 feet of water. Tap the underside of the lobster's tail with the tickle stick to cause it to walk forward into your net. Alternatively, position the net behind the lobster, and tap it's head - it will move quickly backward.
Use gloves and handle lobster by the carapace only (not the tail). Check the bottom for orange colored eggs - if found, release.
Florida lobster is best grilled or broiled but never boiled. Keep the lobster in salt water until ready to cook. To clean, twist the tail off, remove the alimentary canal, and then rinse with fresh water (the remainder is not eaten).
A foodborne illness caused by eating certain reef fish whose flesh is contaminated with a toxin made by protists (marine plankton, etc). Ciguatera (pronounced sigWAHterra) cannot be removed by conventional cooking. There is no effective treatment or antidote for ciguatera poisoning. Ciguatoxin is found in over 400 species of reef fish. Avoiding consumption of all reef fish is the only sure way to avoid exposure. At the very least, avoid the following (especially large sizes / > 6 lbs): amberjack, hogfish, cubera, mutton, & red snappers, yellowfin grouper, barracuda, red bass, sea bass, sturgeon.
Avoid consumption of King Mackkerel, Shark, Swordfish, and Tilefish.
Looe Key Reef is between the stations for Bahia Honda Harbor (FLK1327) Loggerhead Key East (FLK1325) so you must use interpolation.
Moser Channel / 7 Mile Bridge tide & current | Nearby: Sombrero Reef, Delta Shoal,
For these locations: Coffins Patch, W Turtle, E Turtle, Adelaide Baker, Long Key Reef interpolate between the two stations of: 7 Mile Bridge and Long Key Viaduct (Bridge)
Long Key Viaduct (Bridge) tide & current | Nearby: Angustias, El Sueco de Arizon, Tennessee Reef,
Channel Five Bridge tide & current
Pickup Rt 1 from the north east and continue south east.
Rain Barrel Village in Islamorada at google map 24.959240442045804, -80.57182610937404 has a series of tourist stores. Easily spotted by the large lobster in front.
Islamorada Brewery & Distillery is 1.0 mile east of Bass Pro Shop (next stop). 24.92407577184602, -80.62688547688666
Bass Pro Shop SHOULD NOT BE MISSED. Inside the store is Hemingway's boat, the Pilar. Out back on the Gulf side is a natural pool where you can observe up close and feed tarpon (lg fish). Sometimes manatees are in the pool too. google maps 24.91615779496702, -80.6396835773303
Florida Keys Brewing Co and Tacos Jalisco 2 food truck on site (get the tacos of the day and a side of chips on the side, wash it down with a Florida Keys Brewing Co beer).
Sombrero Beach in Marathon FL should not be missed. At a minimum, stop, park for free, and view the beautiful beach. google maps 24.692185230068134, -81.08370012916983
Old Seven Mile Bridge is a walking/biking bridge trail that goes to Pigeon Key. Parking is free. It offers a beautiful view of the water while walking / biking the 2.0 mile trip out, and then back. google map 24.70727811867457, -81.12294484183695 You can also visit Pigeon Key, but $$$.
If traveling on the weekend, consider stopping at the Big Pine Key Flea Market google map 24.668238155762246, -81.35921142894065
Key West is 1.5 hours south/west of Marathon FL. Most of the parking in Key West is $40/day, but you can get into a large lot for $15/day (cash only) by navigating to Key West Parking Lot @ 24.557445435013562, -81.79764048868094 From the Key West Parking Lot, walk west until you hit Duval Street, then head south to La Grignote and get a regular coffee and the (real) French Toast (filling, so share it). 24.549116534412278, -81.79770512133561 Walk south and visit the Southernmost Point @ 24.5466963886958, -81.79736189679083 Then start walking north up Duval street and browse the many shops. When you get to the north end at the waterfront, you will be at Mallory Square Key West where street performers put on a show every night at sunset. Head east along the waterfront for more shops and restaurants.
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